Melissa 20th July 2020

I wake up every morning thinking about you, How you never got angry when i always wanted to tag along wherever you'd go, you were always happy to introduce me to your friends. How our last belly laugh was over me being a dumb ass not realising you could adjust the settings on the lawn mower after struggling like mad to mow my lawn! The last pair of trainers you showed me that you wanted to buy, and how i told you I'd diy you some for a fraction of the price (you always did have a taste for expensive tat) Nobody will ever make a cheese scone quite like you!! I'll miss absolutely everything about you Matt!! A Brother that could never be replaced! I'd do anything for one last giggle over the most silly things and a giant hug when im feeling low!! This isnt goodbye!! This is "in a bit" Love you always Your little sis xxx